Saturday, June 28, 2008

Keith's Secret

I was introduced to 'the Secret' this February by my mother when I went back for a visit. Actually, I had noticed the book in the bookstore here before that, but I didn't know what it was about. The bookstore was selling the hardcover Japanese version and the original English version in paperback. The English paperback was more expensive than the Japanese hardcover.

So anyway, my mother has bought and sent the English hardcover book to me which arrived yesterday. I spoke to her on the phone and she also has sent the DVD. In February, I watched the DVD and it was interesting.

While I'm skeptical of "the Law of Attraction," I am not going to immediately dismiss it. I find it annoying when people knock something they haven't even tried. There was a saying, "Don't knock it if you haven't tried it" or something like that.

Here is a picture I just took of the book. Feel free to use it if you like. I've uploaded it at full size, but it probably looks best displayed at a very reduced size as it is here.

One of the interesting attributes of the Law of Attraction quoted by Bob Proctor on page 15 is
"The law of attraction is always working, whether you believe it or understand it or not."
I think this means that even if I am skeptical, I can still test out the law and see if it works. If it doesn't work, nobody can say that it didn't work because I didn't believe in it. Believing in the law is not a requirement. Apparently it does not make judgments. It is compared to the law of gravity. Gravity is in effect whether you believe it or not.

Because of this, I'm willing to give it a fair trial. I know I cannot believe in the law of attraction until I prove it to myself. The whole idea seems ludicrous to me but so is saying that something won't work just because you don't believe or understand how it works.

So to test it out, I'm going to think of something big. In order for it to prove itself, it has to be something that in no other way would I have gotten it. For instance, a private jet. There is no other way I could get a private jet. But if I asked for a private jet and then one day I find myself with a private jet, I would know that I got that private jet because of the secret. But actually, I don't want a jet so I'm not going to use that as a test. I don't know what I'd do with one if I did own one. So I'm going to think of something I really want. I will report back here when I have figured out what it will be.


Catherine said...

'I will report back here when I have figured out what it will be'

Have you figured it out yet?

Keith said...

Yes, I reported it here. Tesla